How to remove sublimation ink from the shirt?

How to remove sublimation ink from the shirt?

Understanding how to effectively remove sublimation ink from your shirt can prove vital, especially when it involves your favorite piece of clothing. The article “How to remove sublimation ink from the shirt?” is designed to guide you through this process, providing practical and tested solutions to this common problem.

Understanding Sublimation Ink

Understanding Sublimation Ink

Before diving into how to remove sublimation ink, it’s important to understand what sublimation ink is and why it can be challenging to remove. Unlike standard inks, sublimation ink has unique properties. When heated, it turns into a gas without going through the liquid phase. This gas then bonds with the fabric, becoming part of it. This makes the design extremely durable but, on the flip side, challenging to remove.

Is It Possible to Remove Sublimation Ink?

Is It Possible to Remove Sublimation Ink

Let’s be clear: completely removing sublimation ink can be challenging. The process of sublimation binds the ink with the fabric on a molecular level, making it a part of the garment. However, various methods can lighten or, in some instances, fully remove the ink.

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Precautions to Consider

Precautions to Consider

Before attempting to remove sublimation ink, you should consider the following precautions:

  • Always test any method on a hidden part of the garment first. This ensures it won’t damage or discolor the fabric.
  • It’s always safer to consult a professional, especially for expensive or cherished items.

10 Best Ways to Remove sublimation ink from the Shirt

This guide presents the top 10 methods to tackle this problem and restore your clothing to its original state.

1. Use a Commercial Ink Remover

Amodex Ink and Stain Remover

Products like the Amodex Ink and Stain Remover are specially designed to target stubborn ink stains. They contain powerful cleaning agents that can break down the sublimation ink particles, lightening or even fully removing the stain. Remember to follow the manufacturer’s instructions closely to prevent damaging your fabric.

2. Resort to a Commercial Color Fader

Rit color remover

Color fading products such as Rit Color Remover work by stripping the color from your fabric. While they may not completely remove the sublimation ink, they can significantly lighten the stain, making it less noticeable. Be sure to read the product’s instructions carefully before use.

3. Use a Professional Dry Cleaning Service

Professional Dry Cleaning Service

Sometimes, the best solution is to entrust your garment to professionals. Dry cleaners have access to commercial-grade cleaning solutions and equipment that can effectively remove stubborn stains, including sublimation ink. Plus, their expertise can ensure your clothing is handled safely.

4. Try a Commercial Stain Remover

OxiClean Sublimation Ink Remover

Stain removal products like OxiClean have a broad application range and can be effective against sublimation ink. These products contain oxidizing agents that can break down stains, lightening or removing them. As always, follow the product’s directions for the best results.

5. Use a Baking Soda and Vinegar Mixture

Baking Soda and Vinegar Mixture

This common household remedy can lighten sublimation ink. Create a paste of baking soda and vinegar, apply it to the stain, and leave it for a few hours. Then, wash your garment normally.

6. Use a Specialized Sublimation Ink Remover

Specialized Sublimation Ink Remover

Though not as commonly available, there are specialized sublimation ink removers on the market. These products are designed explicitly for sublimation ink, providing a targeted solution to this tricky problem. Be sure to follow the product’s instructions closely for optimal results.

7. Heat Treatment Method for Removing Sublimation Ink

Heat Treatment Method for Removing Sublimation Ink

Given that heat is the catalyst in the sublimation process, it makes sense to leverage it in the removal process as well. Here’s how:

1: Set Up the Heat Press

Start by setting up your heat press. Ensure that it’s clean and free from any residual ink that could potentially transfer onto your shirt.

2: Apply Heat to the Stain

Position the stained part of the shirt on the press. Be sure that the heat setting is appropriate for the type of fabric to avoid causing additional damage. Allow the heat press to work for a few seconds. This might cause the sublimation ink to sublimate again and loosen its bond with the fabric.

3: Blot the Stain

Immediately after removing the shirt from the heat press, use a clean cloth to blot the stain. The heat might have caused some of the ink to lift, and it should transfer onto the cloth.

8. Using Cold Water to Remove Sublimation Ink from Shirts

Cold Water to Remove Sublimation Ink from Shirts

The cold water method is more suited for fresh stains where the ink has not yet fully set into the fabric. Here are the steps:

1: Rinse with Cold Water

As soon as you notice the ink stain, hold the stained area under a stream of cold water. The pressure of the water can help push out some of the ink from the fabric.

2: Soak in Cold Water

After rinsing, fill a basin with cold water and soak the garment in it. Allow it to stay submerged for several hours. This can help to further loosen the stain and could lead to some of the ink being released into the water.

3: Rinse and Assess

After soaking, rinse the garment again under cold water. If the stain has lightened significantly or disappeared, launder your shirt as usual. If the stain persists, you might need to repeat the process or try a different method.

9. Utilizing a Bleaching Agent to Remove Sublimation Ink from Shirts

Bleaching Agent to Remove Sublimation Ink from Shirts

Bleach is a powerful tool that can help remove or significantly lighten sublimation ink stains, particularly on white or colorfast clothing. However, it’s essential to use bleach cautiously as it can also lead to discoloration or damage to the fabric.

1: Prepare the Bleach Solution

Mix bleach and water following the instructions on the bleach packaging for correct dilution ratios. Always remember to protect your skin by wearing gloves during this process.

2: Apply the Bleach

Dip a sponge or clean cloth into the bleach solution and gently blot the stained area. Avoid rubbing or scrubbing the stain, as this can cause the ink to spread.

3: Rinse Thoroughly

After a few minutes, rinse the garment thoroughly under cold water. This helps to remove any remaining bleach from the fabric.

4. Wash Separately

Lastly, launder your shirt separately to avoid potential bleach transfer to other clothes.

10. Using Rubbing Alcohol to Remove Sublimation Ink Stains

Rubbing Alcohol to Remove Sublimation Ink Stains

Rubbing alcohol is an excellent solution for many types of ink stains, including sublimation ink. Here are the steps:

1: Apply Rubbing Alcohol

Soak a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol and dab it onto the stained area. The alcohol will work to break down the ink, making it easier to remove.

2: Blot the Stain

Use a clean, dry cloth to blot the stain. As the ink loosens and breaks down, it should start to lift from the fabric and onto the cloth.

3: Rinse and Launder

Once the stain lightens or disappears, rinse the garment under cold water and then launder it as usual.

Preemptive Measures

The best way to deal with sublimation ink stains is to prevent them. Always handle sublimation ink carefully and use a cover to protect your clothing when working with sublimation processes.

Caring for Sublimated Shirts

Proper care extends the life of sublimated shirts. Always wash these items in cold water, inside out, and air dry when possible. This maintains the integrity of the design and the fabric.


Will alcohol remove sublimation ink?

Yes, rubbing alcohol can help remove sublimation ink. It works by breaking down the ink, making it easier to lift from the fabric. However, its effectiveness may depend on the fabric type and how set the stain is.

How do you remove sublimation ink?

Heat, cold water, alcohol, and bleach can remove sublimation ink from cloth. These treatments might harm the cloth, so proceed carefully. Professional dry-cleaning removes tough stains.

Does sublimation ink wash out?

Sublimation ink is permanent and doesn’t wash away. Under the heat, it binds with cloth fibers to create bright, washable patterns. Thus, removing sublimation ink is difficult.


While completely removing sublimation ink from your shirt can be challenging, various methods may help lighten or, in some instances, remove the ink.

Always test these methods on a hidden part of the garment first and consult a professional for expensive or cherished items.

Remember, proper care and preemptive measures can save you from the hassle of dealing with sublimation ink stains in the first place.


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