How to make your faux fur blanket soft again?

How to make your faux fur blanket soft again?

Is the once-opulent faux fur blanket you own feeling tougher and less fluffy these days? If so, you’re not the only person battling this problem. A major concern for many who value the coziness and warmth of these comfortable products is how to make your faux fur blanket soft again.

The goal of this article is to demystify the procedure and provide you with useful tips so that you may get your cherished blanket back to feeling cozy and soft. The key to bringing your faux fur back to life is figuring out why it gets tough and using the proper maintenance techniques to combat it.

The significance of softness in faux fur throws

The plushness of a faux fur throw is key to its enjoyable and snug use. A soft throw is not only delightful to touch but also creates a comforting and warm ambiance. This softness contributes significantly to the throw’s charm and perceived quality, making it a cherished item for relaxation and comfort. Thus, rejuvenating its softness is essential for maximizing the comfort and enjoyment you derive from your faux fur throw.

How to make your faux fur blanket soft again? Here are different ways

1. Cleaning for renewed softness

Cleaning for renewed softness
  • Inspecting care instructions: Prioritize examining the care label on your faux fur blanket. This precautionary measure is essential to prevent accidental harm, as each material has unique cleaning requirements.
  • Wash gently with a mild detergent. Select a mild detergent for laundering your faux fur blanket. The use of strong chemicals can be detrimental to the fur fibers. To preserve the blanket’s quality, either hand wash or use the machine’s delicate cycle with cool water.
  • Drying methods: Drying is equally crucial as washing. Ideally, lay the blanket flat to air-dry. If using a dryer becomes necessary, opt for a gentle, low-heat cycle and include a couple of tennis balls. These balls aid in fluffing the fur, avoiding matting and bunching.

2. Conditioning for softness

Conditioning for softness
  • Applying diluted hair conditioner: A diluted hair conditioner solution can significantly enhance the softness of faux fur. Combine a modest amount of conditioner with water and lightly treat the fur, which can soften the fibers, similar to its effect on human hair.
  • Vinegar solution for removing residue: Residual build-up from detergents and conditioners can stiffen the fur. Using a white vinegar solution (one cup mixed in cold water) for rinsing can effectively eliminate such residues. After this treatment, rinse the blanket with clean water.

3. Brushing to restore fluffiness

Brushing to restore fluffiness
  • Selecting the right brush: A soft-bristled brush, such as one used for pets or clothing, is ideal for rejuvenating your faux fur blanket’s fluffiness.
  • Directional brushing: Brush along the fur’s grain. This technique aligns the fibers and restores the blanket’s inherent plushness without causing damage.

4. Proper storage methods

Proper storage methods
  • Ideal storage conditions: Store your faux fur blanket in a location that is both cool and dry, ensuring there’s ample room for it to rest flat or hang without being squeezed.
  • Avoiding plastic for storage: lastic bags are not recommended for storing faux fur as they can retain moisture, potentially leading to mildew. Opt for breathable fabric bags or containers instead.

Also read: How to stop a blanket from shedding

How do you clean your weighted blanket?

Maintaining the ideal condition of your weighted mask requires careful attention to detail. Read the care instructions handed out by the manufacturer to determine whether the mask may be machine washed or needs to be professionally dry-gutted.

Consider a common illustration, like the cotton napper, which is machine washable and composed only of organic cotton. Keeping your weighted mask clean is simple and quick using this system

  1. Examine your drawing inventories: make sure that your home washer and teetotaler can manage the weight of your mask, particularly while it’s damp.
  2. Pre-wash spot treatment: before starting a full marshland cycle, precisely check the apparel for any stains or spots to ensure a thorough clean.
  3. Washing process:
    • Wash it alone in cold water to prevent the machine from getting overloaded.
    • Select a gentle cycle like ‘delicate’ or ‘permanent-press.’
    • Use a mild detergent to keep the fabric in good condition.
    • Steer clear of fabric softeners and bleach.
  4. Drying your blanket:
    • Air drying is preferable. Lay the blanket flat on a clean surface for drying.
    • If using a dryer, choose a low heat setting to avoid damaging the stitching and seams. Regularly check to prevent overheating.
    • Avoid high heat settings, as they can harm the fabric.

By adhering to these steps, your weighted blanket will remain clean and comfortable, ensuring many restful nights ahead.


Can I iron my faux fur blanket to make it soft again?

No, avoid ironing, as the heat can damage the fur fibers.

Is it safe to bleach a faux-fur blanket for cleaning?

No, bleach is too harsh and can ruin the texture and color.

How often should I wash my faux-fur blanket?

Wash it sparingly, only when necessary, to maintain its softness.

Can I use a hairdryer to speed up the drying process?

It’s not recommended, as the heat can harm the fur. Air-dry instead.


When it comes to the question of how to make your faux fur blanket soft again, proper cleaning methods and customized care should come first. For washing, use soft cycles and mild detergents. Restoring its comforting softness requires using the right fabric softeners. Furthermore, choosing sustainable, natural blankets helps to keep them supple. By using and understanding these techniques, you can keep your blanket from becoming stiff or pilling and maintain its velvety texture.


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