How to get vicks out of clothes?

How to get Vicks out of clothes?

In our daily routines, it’s not uncommon to find stains on our clothes, especially from over-the-counter medications like Vicks. Often used to relieve symptoms of a cold or cough, Vicks can leave noticeable, stubborn stains due to their oily composition. But fear not; these stains can be successfully tackled and removed. In this brief guide, “How to get Vicks out of clothes?” We will go over what Vicks is, how it can stain your clothes, and reveal efficient methods to remove such stains. So, let’s attack and learn how to keep our clothes vicks-free!

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What are Vicks?

Vicks is a well-known brand that is often linked to several over-the-counter drugs. Vicks Vaporub, an ointment used topically to treat cold, cough, and congestion symptoms, is the most well-known item sold under this brand. Camphor, eucalyptus oil, and menthol are a few of the active chemicals in the ointment, which also gives it its characteristic scent and therapeutic benefits.

Do Vicks products leave stains on clothing?

Vicks may create stains on your clothes because of their oily and waxy nature, particularly if you apply too much. Due to their oily makeup, these stains are often difficult to get rid of and may be a pain.

Can Vicks be removed from clothes?

Absolutely, yes! Even though it might be a headache, it’s not difficult to get rid of Vicks stains from garments. You can restore your clothing to its original condition by using the appropriate equipment and techniques. We go through a few of the most effective techniques to get Vicks out of your clothes below.

Top ways to get Vicks out of clothes

Method 1: Use dish soap and hot water

Use dish soap and hot water
  1. Remove excess Vicks: Using a spoon or the edge of a credit card, scrape off as much of the excess Vicks as possible. Be careful not to spread the stain further.
  2. Apply dish soap: Take a mild dish soap and apply a small amount directly onto the stain.
  3. Rub gently: With your fingers or a soft cloth, rub the dish soap into the stain. Be gentle, so you don’t damage the fabric.
  4. Rinse with hot water: Rinse the soap and Vicks residue off the clothing with hot water. The heat will help break down the oil in the stain.
  5. Repeat if necessary: If the stain persists, repeat the process until the stain disappears.
  6. Launder as usual: Once the stain is gone, launder your clothing item as you normally would.

Method 2: Using a stain remover

using a stain remover
  1. Remove excess Vicks: As in the first method, remove as many excess Vicks as you can.
  2. Apply stain remover: Apply a pre-wash stain remover to the stain. There are various brands available on the market that are effective in breaking down oil-based stains.
  3. Rub gently: Rub the stain remover into the stain using your fingers or a soft cloth.
  4. Let it sit: Allow the stain remover to sit on the stain for about 15 minutes. This gives it time to break down the oils in the Vicks.
  5. Launder as usual: Wash your clothing item as per the manufacturer’s instructions.

Method 3: Using baking soda and vinegar

using baking soda and vinegar
  1. Remove excess Vicks: Scrape off as many Vicks as you can with a spoon or the edge of a credit card.
  2. Apply baking soda: Sprinkle baking soda over the stained area. Baking soda is an excellent absorbent and will help pull the oily residue out of the fabric.
  3. Let it sit: Let the baking soda sit on the stain for at least 15 minutes to absorb the oil.
  4. Brush off baking soda: gently brush off the baking soda. If the stain persists, you may see some of the Vicks still in the fabric.
  5. Apply vinegar: dampen the stained area with white vinegar. The vinegar will help break down any remaining vicks.
  6. Rinse and launder: Rinse the stained area under warm water, then launder as usual.

Method 4: Using rubbing alcohol

using rubbing alcohol
  1. Remove excess Vicks: Begin by scraping off as many Vicks as possible without spreading the stain.
  2. Apply rubbing alcohol. Dampen a cloth or sponge with rubbing alcohol and blot the stained area. The alcohol will help dissolve the oil in the Vicks.
  3. Rinse: rinse the area with warm water, making sure all the rubbing alcohol and Vicks residue is removed.
  4. Apply dish soap: Rub a bit of dish soap into the stained area to remove any remaining residue.
  5. Rinse and launder: Rinse again, and then wash the garment as you normally would.


Can Vicks permanently damage my clothes?

While Vicks can leave a stain, it won’t permanently damage your clothes. If treated promptly, the stain can be removed completely.

What if the Vicks stain doesn’t come out after one treatment?

Some stains often reappear after the first treatment. Remain calm in this situation. Just keep using the selected technique until the stain is fully removed. Heat may solidify the stain and make it much more difficult to remove, so avoid drying your garment until the stain is completely gone.

Can i use other types of soap besides dish soap?

While dish soap is especially effective at breaking down oils, which makes it great for tackling Vicks stains, you could also use laundry detergent or bar soap. Remember, the goal is to break down the oils in the Vicks, so any soap known for its degreasing properties can work.

Is it safe to use these methods on all types of fabric?

Always check the care label on your garment before treating any stains. Some fabrics may not withstand hot water or certain types of stain removers. When in doubt, test the treatment on a small, inconspicuous area of the fabric first.


As we’ve discussed, removing Vicks traces from clothing can be a difficult undertaking, but it’s certainly not impossible. You can effectively combat these stains with common domestic items such as dish detergent, stain remover, baking soda, vinegar, or rubbing alcohol. By acting quickly and adhering to our detailed, step-by-step guides, these annoying stains can be eliminated, leaving your clothing appearing brand new.

Remember that the key is to address the stain immediately and resume the procedure as necessary. With these techniques at your disposal, you will no longer have to worry about Vicks stains occurring by accident in the future. Stay spotless and assured!

Also read: How to get caulk out of clothes?

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