How to get the highlighter out of clothes?

How to get the highlighter out of clothes?

Highlighter stains on your clothes can turn a great day sour. A highlighter leak or accidental swipe on your favorite shirt may seem like a disaster. Don’t panic! Despite their bold and vibrant hues, these marks aren’t as stubborn as they seem. You can effectively remove highlighter stains from your garments with a little time, patience, and some household items. Let’s delve into some practical steps on “How to get the highlighter out of clothes?

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What is a highlighter and are highlighter stains on clothing generally permanent or removable?

A highlighter is a writing tool that is typically filled with bright, translucent ink, used to emphasize parts of text in books or documents. When it comes to stains on clothing, highlighter stains are generally not permanent. The ink in highlighters is often water-based, which doesn’t bind to fabric as strongly as some other types of stains, making them usually removable with appropriate cleaning methods. The promptness of treatment can significantly impact the success of the removal process.

Pre-Cleaning Steps

As with any stain, it is preferable to act promptly. It is much simpler to eradicate fresh highlighter stains than old ones. Before beginning, absorb as much of the highlighter ink as possible from the stain with a clean cloth, taking care not to knead it in.

Top 5 Effective Ways to Remove Highlighter Stains from Clothes in Detail

Dish Soap and Warm Water

Dish Soap and Warm Water

Simple yet effective, this method uses everyday household items – dish soap and warm water. Dish soap is known for its ability to cut through grease and grime. Combined with warm water, it can lift stains from the fabric.


  • Begin by combining one tablespoon of liquid dish soap in two cups of warm water. Ensure the dish soap is mixed well until the water becomes soapy.
  • Dip a clean cloth into the soapy mixture and lightly blot the stained area. Make sure not to rub or scrub as this could potentially spread the stain.
  • Rinse the cloth with clean warm water and wring out the excess water.
  • Continue blotting the stain with the soap mixture and rinsing the cloth.
  • Repeat this process several times until the stain starts to fade.
  • Once the stain has sufficiently faded or disappeared, rinse the area with cold water to remove the soap residue.
  • Finally, launder the garment as you normally would.

Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol is known for its solvent properties. This means it’s capable of dissolving a range of substances, including the ink found in highlighters.


  • Start by dampening a clean cloth or cotton ball with a small amount of rubbing alcohol.
  • Next, blot the stained area with a dampened cloth or cotton ball. Start from the outside of the stain and work your way towards the center. This technique helps prevent the stain from spreading.
  • Rinse the cloth or cotton ball, apply more rubbing alcohol, and continue the blotting process.
  • Keep repeating this process until you notice the stain is starting to disappear.
  • Once you’re satisfied that the stain is removed, wash the garment in the washing machine as per the garment’s care label instructions.

Commercial Stain Removers

Commercial Stain Removers

There are plenty of commercial stain removers available in the market designed to tackle stubborn stains. These products contain chemicals specifically engineered to break down and lift stains.


  • Pick a stain remover first. Choose a brand or variety that matches the fabric of your outfit from the numerous that are offered.
  • Directly apply the stain remover on the stain. Be careful to adhere to the product’s label’s directions for how much to apply and how long to leave it on a stain.
  • While certain stains may demand rapid cleaning, others may just need to be left on the stain for a few minutes to a few hours. Observe the directions listed on the product’s label.
  • After using the stain remover to cure the stain, wash the clothing in accordance with the care directions on both the label of the garment and the stain removal product.

Vinegar and Dish Soap

Vinegar and Dish Soap

The acetic acid in vinegar can help to dissolve inks, and when paired with the grease-cutting power of dish soap, it becomes a potent mixture for tackling stubborn highlighter stains.


  • In a bowl, mix one tablespoon of white vinegar with half a tablespoon of dish soap. Add this mixture to two cups of warm water and stir until well combined.
  • Using a clean cloth, apply this solution directly to the stain. Gently blot the stain with the cloth, ensuring no rub or scrub, which can spread the stain.
  • After blotting, let the solution sit on the stain for about 10-15 minutes. This allows the vinegar and dish soap to penetrate and break down the stain.
  • Rinely rinse the garment with cold water. If the stain is still visible, repeat the process until it’s completely gone.
  • After the stain is removed, wash the garment as usual.

Milk Soak

Milk Soak

Milk may seem like an unusual solution, but the lactic acid it contains can help break down certain inks. This makes it a surprising yet effective method for removing highlighter stains.


  • Start by pouring enough milk into a bowl or basin to fully submerge the stained portion of the garment. You can use any kind of milk, but whole milk may be more effective due to its higher fat content.
  • Place the stained garment into the bowl, ensuring the stained area is completely submerged in the milk.
  • Allow the garment to soak in the milk for at least an hour. If the stain is older or particularly stubborn, you may want to leave it soaking overnight.
  • After soaking, rinse the garment with cold water. If the stain is still visible, you can repeat the soaking process.
  • Once the stain is removed, wash the garment as usual in the washing machine, according to the care label instructions.

Also read: How to bleach a black shirt white?


Can all types of fabric be treated with these methods?

It depends on the fabric. Always check the garment’s care label before applying any of these methods.

How quickly should I act on a highlighter stain?

The sooner, the better. Fresh stains are easier to remove than older ones.

What if a stain doesn’t come out after one treatment?

Some stains are stubborn and may require multiple treatments. Always allow the garment to air-dry between treatments to prevent setting the stain.

Can I use these methods on colored clothing?

Yes, but always perform a spot test first to ensure the cleaning solution.


Each of these five methods provides a detailed approach to tackling the common problem of highlighter stains on clothing. Whether it’s a fresh or set stain, it’s crucial to treat it promptly for the best results. Always test the cleaning solution on an inconspicuous area of the garment first and check the garment’s care label before proceeding with any cleaning method to prevent potential damage to the fabric. Highlighter stains might be stubborn, but with patience and the right approach, they don’t have to be permanent.


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