how to get a shirt tailored

How to get a shirt tailored?

In a world of off-the-rack apparel, a nicely fitted shirt is rewarding. Tailoring is a hidden weapon everyone may use to look their finest. Tailoring gets you a perfect fit whether you’ve lost weight, increased muscle, or can’t find a shirt that fits. Many people have asked for advice on “How to get a shirt tailored”, so I thought I’d produce a little post about what I consider when I go to get a shirt tailored for myself.

Here you will learn about:

Tips before Going to a tailor shop in your area

Advice before purchasing a cloth

fabric buying guide-min

Advice before purchasing a cloth

Even if you naturally want to choose the best materials possible, a trip to a fabric shop may leave you feeling overwhelmed by the variety of choices. It’s crucial to watch out for the following while purchasing fabric:

The Standard of the Fabric

Before checking for linen, cotton, polyester, or nylon, feel the cloth on your skin to determine quality. The fabric should have no color, print, fiber, or rip faults. Fabric flaws will show in completed products, thus quality must be high.

Fabric Classification

Natural, synthetic, and blended fabrics are the three primary types of textiles. Cotton, linen, denim, and leather are all excellent examples of natural fibers. Synthetic materials include Polyester, rayon, spandex, Acrylic, Nylon, and countless others. Consider carefully whether you want to purchase natural, synthetic, or mixed textiles. Your budget restrictions will play a part here, as natural materials are typically more expensive than synthetic ones.

Location and Suitability

Before you purchase the fabric, you must determine if it will work for the garment you want to build. Consider the occasion and the environment where the clothes will be worn while choosing the materials. Chiffon is not warm enough for the mountains, and wool is improper for the desert.


When selecting a fabric, you should keep the possibility of shrinkage in mind. Whether or not the material shrinks after being washed is information you must have. Not all fabrics shrink to the same degree. Buy 10% more fabric than you think you’ll need.


If you’re going to be making your own garment, the color of the cloth is crucial. Pick a shade that complements your skin for maximum clothing attraction. Make sure the color of the fabric you purchase to create many dresses fits in with the event color scheme if that color is a specific color.

Step-by-step guide on how to get a shirt tailored

What to Know Before Visiting a Tailor. When visiting the tailor for the first time, there are a few specifics to keep in mind. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to get a shirt tailored:

How to get a shirt tailored?

1). Research Tailors in Your Area:

Look for recommendations: Ask friends, family, or colleagues for their preferred tailors. Online reviews can also provide insights. Visit a few tailors to gauge their expertise, pricing, and turnaround times.

2). Know What You Want:

Decide on the specific alterations you want. Common alterations for shirts include adjusting the sleeves, taking in the sides for a slimmer fit, adjusting the shirt length, or altering the collar. Some tailors will provide suggestions, but it’s always good to have a basic idea of your desired fit.

3). Wash the Shirt:

Before getting it tailored, wash and iron the shirt at least once. This ensures any potential shrinkage has already occurred before alterations.

4). Wear Appropriate Clothing for Fitting:

When you go for a fitting, wear the kind of clothes (especially undergarments) you plan to wear with the tailored shirt. This gives a clearer picture of the final look. Consider wearing trousers or jeans that you’d typically pair with the shirt.

5). The Fitting:

The Fitting

Put the shirt on at the tailor’s. They will pin and mark the shirt in areas that need adjustment. Discuss your preferences with the tailor. Be specific about how tight or loose you want certain areas. For example, if you don’t like your shirt to be snug around your waist, communicate that.

6). Clarify Details:

Ask about the turnaround time. Inquire about the cost for each alteration to avoid surprises. If they’re making significant changes, ask if a second fitting is required to refine the fit further.

7). Pick Up and Inspection:

Once the shirt is altered, try it on again at the tailor’s shop. Check for the desired fit and ensure there are no issues like uneven seams or missed spots. Move around, raise your arms, sit down, etc., to make sure the shirt is comfortable in all positions.

8). Care for Your Tailored Shirt:

Tailored clothes can be a bit more delicate due to the added seams and adjustments. Always follow care labels, and consider hand washing or using a delicate cycle. Hang shirts on hangers to maintain their shape.

9). Build a Relationship:

If you’re satisfied with the work, building a rapport with your tailor can be beneficial. They’ll get to know your style and preferences, making future visits more efficient.

10). Learn and Adjust:

If there’s something you wish you’d done differently, remember it for next time. Tailoring is as much about personal preference as it is about fit, and you’ll refine your preferences with experience.


Can you get a T-shirt

Absolutely, you can get a T-shirt tailored; it’s about modifying its fit and length. Choose a skilled tailor for optimal results.

Can shirts be altered to a smaller size?

Yes, shirts can be altered to a smaller size by adjusting seams and cutting excess fabric. Always consult a professional for the best results.

Is it possible to tailor a shirt?

Yes, tailoring a t-shirt is possible; it involves adjusting its seams and fit. Ensure you work gently to maintain the fabric’s integrity.

How do you tailor a shirt yourself?

To tailor a shirt yourself, measure accurately and adjust seams for a better fit. Always practice on the old fabric first.

Conclusion: How to get a shirt tailored?

Above we have discussed how to get a shirt tailored. We have covered all the aspects such as tips for buying clothes and going to a tailor. If you have still any further questions you can ask us frequently.


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